The role of editors and content managers in the age of AI

Shir Lapidot
By Shir Lapidot
Head and shoulders photo of Michelle Meyer
Edited by Michelle Meyer
Romi Hector
Fact-check by Romi Hector

Published June 12, 2024.

The role of editors and content managers in the age of AI

Key takeaways

  • AI-generated content isn't necessarily valuable and can cause hyperinflation
  • Content has moved from keywords to helpful information
  • Personal expertise and experiences are irreplaceable, as AI can't replicate it
  • Editors' and content managers' roles have evolved but remain essential for quality content

The rise of AI has transformed content creation, but the role of editors and content managers remains crucial. Below, we explore how AI has impacted social media content creation, with a specific focus on the changing responsibilities and enhanced significance of editors and content managers.

The influence of AI on content creation

a bunch of books that are sitting on a table

If nothing else, AI has enabled us to generate content effortlessly. So many services are available now that offer content creation for websites, SEO, and other purposes—often at minimal cost. This convenience and affordability might seem very attractive, but it may not be the right approach.

Consider this:

  • Content hyperinflation: While advanced AI models like ChatGPT and Bard (now Gemini) can produce large volumes of content independently, this content can be generic, unengaging, and low-value.
  • Changing searching habits: When users search for information on search engines, they may find direct answers without clicking on specific content, rendering your content irrelevant and obsolete.
  • Search engine ranking: The predictability of AI-generated content can prevent you from ranking well on Google. This means that investing in AI-written content could result in wasted resources and risk diminishing your website's authority.

As a result, it's become crucial to follow Google's guidance and prioritize creating genuinely valuable and useful content. But how do you adapt your content management strategies to this?

» Learn how Google will handle content hyperinflation.

Content management: Adapting to the AI era

Previously, keyword volume was crucial in topic selection and content creation. However, the focus has shifted to understanding your audience's interests and problems.

A quote that emphasizes how high-quality content must be valuable to its audience and effectively address their needs

New content management strategies include:

So, is there still a place for editors and content managers in your new content practices?

Editors and content managers: Preserving the human touch

Graphic of a man sitting in front of a laptop

While AI has made remarkable advancements, it can't replace the value of personal expertise and experience. For instance, a doctor's response to a medical question holds more weight than a generic answer from a search engine.

Similarly, editors and content managers remain valuable and irreplaceable because their human experiences and opinions play a significant role.

But this doesn't mean these roles haven't evolved because of AI.

While evaluating editors' skills, it's necessary to change your focus from solely proofreading to assessing understanding, relevance, and appropriate responses to questions.

AI can help you automate parts of your content management processes. For example, AI can help you:

  • Sort through vast amounts of data
  • Rewrite articles
  • Fix grammar
  • Adjust tone
  • Improve titles
  • Enhance meta descriptions

Editors can now focus more on fact-checking, content validation, and proper content structuring.

» Here's how to build and manage a high-performing SEO content team.

The future of AI and human collaboration

As AI transforms content creation, the role of editors and content managers becomes even more critical. By embracing AI's potential, understanding its limitations, and leveraging their expertise, content professionals can navigate the changing landscape, creating compelling content that resonates with audiences in the age of AI.

» AI is affecting all types of content: Here's how ChatGPT is rewriting the rules of content marketing.