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AI and content creation: Will Google block AI-generated content?

Large language models like ChatGPT and Gemini have the potential to drastically impact how Google delivers search results and ranks content.

a man with a beard and a black shirt
By Dudi Dayan
Colin Nass
Edited by Colin Nass
Romi Hector
Fact-check by Romi Hector

Published June 13, 2024.

AI and content creation: Will Google block AI-generated content?

Key takeaways

  • 30% of marketers use AI for content creation.
  • Google values high-quality content, regardless of how it's created.
  • To rank well, your content must answer user queries and provide value.
  • Focus on creating the content AI can't to truly stand out.

One-third of marketers use AI in their content creation process. As this number continues to grow, we're seeing a hyperinflation of AI-generated content—a lot of which lacks quality and originality. This type of content goes against Google's goal of delivering unique, high-quality search results.

Google has already embraced AI to a certain degree with Gemini, but what are the potential effects of AI-generated content on website traffic and SEO? Will Google penalize websites that use AI to generate content?

Google's stance on AI-generated content

So will Google block AI-generated content? No, not necessarily.

Google shared a statement emphasizing its commitment to rewarding high-quality content, regardless of how it is created. Google's main concern is providing users with helpful, informative, and reliable content.

Google evaluates content based on its ability to satisfy user queries effectively, not on the technology used to create it. This approach ensures that the focus remains on content quality and user experience.

Google Search's guidance on AI-generated content

» Find out how AI is changing Search.

Challenges when using AI-generated content

Even though Google doesn't directly penalize content created by AI, it's important to be vigilant about several potential issues related to AI-generated content.

Some key areas that could pose some challenges are:

  • Uniqueness and plagiarism: AI-generated content lacks uniqueness, leading to potential issues like duplicate or thin content and even plagiarism.
  • Transparency and trust: The use of AI-generated content without clear disclosure can lead to mistrust and transparency concerns among users.
  • Attribution and copyright: AI models trained on existing content raise questions about copyright infringement and the proper attribution of sources.
Screenshot of Google's recommendation to double check Bard's responses

How to make your content stand out

With more AI-generated content being produced, content creators have to implement certain strategies to differentiate their content. Think about it like this: Your content isn't needed if users can get the same information from ChatGPT themselves.

The following strategies can help you create content AI can't and keep your audience satisfied.

Provide unique value

Prioritize content that showcases real expertise, creativity, and insights that AI cannot replicate. This could involve in-depth analyses, opinion pieces, original research, and storytelling that reflects your unique perspective and value proposition.

Screenshot of a Tempdrop article written by an expert

Make Google's goals your goals

Google's first priority is providing valuable content to its users. Instead of trying to outsmart the algorithm, focus on creating content that answers users’ questions effectively. High-quality, informative content that serves the searcher's intent is key to future-proofing your content strategy.

Put video first

With 92% of internet users consuming video and Google amplifying its focus on video search, adopting a video-first content strategy can help you meet both user preferences and search engine trends.

Disclose AI-generated content

If you're creating content with AI, make sure to clearly label it as such. This builds user trust and avoids potential accusations of plagiarism.

Screenshot from a Bankrate web article showing their policy in utilizing AI for content generation

Remember that AI should be used as a tool, not a source. Human input, review, and editing remain crucial to ensure content quality, accuracy, and alignment with your website's voice and brand.

The key to effectively creating content with AI

Using AI in your content creation process is about striking the right balance. Remember, Google values high-quality content above everything else. By blending AI's capabilities with a focus on delivering content that truly benefits your audience, you can ensure your content not only meets Google's standards but also stands out in the digital landscape.