In this article

Content management at scale: Everything you need to know

Quantity and quality go hand in hand. Find out how your business can manage content at scale and dominate search results.

Tom Amitay - Organic marketing & SEO expert
By Tom Amitay
Jürgen Kapp Linde - Editor for Entail AI
Edited by Jürgen Kapp Linde
Romi Hector
Fact-check by Romi Hector

Updated June 26, 2024.

Content management at scale: Everything you need to know

These days, anyone can create thousands of SEO-optimized blog posts for next to nothing. And as search engine algorithms continue to prioritize websites that publish valuable content at a high volume, the bar for success keeps getting higher. That's why you need to be able to effectively scale your content operations. By the end of this post, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to manage your content at scale.

Key takeaways

  • To reach your audience today, you need to create content at scale.
  • Search and social media algorithms prefer high-authority websites or accounts that create content regularly.
  • There are multiple challenges associated with managing content at scale.
  • Efficient content management can guarantee a positive ROI.

What does it mean to manage content at scale?

With a streamlined content creation process, you can create better content faster. You can involve more experts and perspectives in the process without things getting messy. You can also make data-driven decisions about what content to create and how to optimize it for maximum impact.

Think about it—when you look at the most influential people in any given industry, they're usually the ones who have been creating valuable content for a long time. They didn't just burst onto the scene overnight; they built their authority gradually by showing up day after day, week after week, and delivering content that their audience found valuable and engaging.

Take influential marketers like Gary Vaynerchuk and Neil Patel. These guys publish new content almost every day, sometimes multiple times a day, across various formats. They build and manage high-performing content teams to help with production, but at the end of the day, they're operating like publishers.

The same principle applies to businesses.

Commit to creating valuable content at a scale that will help you rise above the noise and watch your influence grow over time. It won't happen overnight, but with consistency and quality, you can become a go-to source in your industry.

For some businesses, that might mean publishing 10 articles a month. For others, it could be 50 or even 100. The exact number will depend on your industry, audience, and goals. But the point is that you need to be willing to invest time and resources into content creation if you want to see real results.

How to manage content at scale

When it comes to managing content at scale, several challenges can derail your efforts if you're not careful. I'll outline some of them below, along with some effective ways to overcome them.

1. Topic selection

Deciding what content to create is the first and most crucial step in content management. Many companies make the mistake of simply writing down ideas as they come up or relying on trends to dictate their content strategy.

However, as you scale up your content production, simply relying on your intuition or assumptions about your audience will quickly become unsustainable. Without a clear content strategy, you risk targeting the wrong keywords, diluting your website's authority score, and ultimately hurting your rankings.

You might also focus on top-of-the-funnel topics that generate traffic but don't convert while neglecting the bottom-of-the-funnel content that actually drives conversions.

The solution? Develop a content strategy

The reality is that if you want to publish multiple pieces of content across various channels on a daily basis, you need a solid plan and a constant supply of topics.

Develop a high-converting content strategy that considers your target audience, business goals, and competitive landscape. This means conducting thorough keyword research, prioritizing topics based on their potential impact, and creating content that satisfies user intent and provides genuine value.

» Build a scalable content strategy with Entail's AI-powered content strategy software.

2. Not having enough content to publish

There's one mistake I see businesses make all the time when publishing content. They focus all their efforts on their website and forget about the power of repurposing content for social media.

Here's the thing: if you're only publishing content on your website, you're missing out on a huge opportunity to increase your visibility and get more value out of every piece of content you create.

But I get it—knowing which mediums to target and how to create diverse forms of content can be overwhelming, especially if you don't have much experience in content creation. That's where repurposing can help.

The solution? Repurpose content

Let's say you have a good blog post with valuable insights from industry experts. Instead of just publishing it on your website, why not turn that post into a video script and create an engaging video for social media? You could also pull out some key quotes and statistics and turn them into eye-catching graphics for Instagram or LinkedIn.

Of course, this doesn't mean you should neglect your website. It should still be the central hub for your content, where you publish in-depth articles and videos that showcase your expertise and authority. But by supplementing that content with repurposed pieces on social media, you're casting a wider net and increasing the chances that your target audience will find and engage with your brand.

» Turn your existing content into engaging social media videos with Entail's video marketing software.

3. Building topical authority

The only way to build topical authority is to have actual experts create your content. I'm talking about people with firsthand experience and in-depth knowledge of your industry.

However, not every business has a roster of industry experts at their disposal. And even if they do, they might not have experts in all the specific niches they need to cover. So what do they do? They turn to content writers and AI-generated content instead.

Big mistake.

While there's certainly a place for writers and AI in content creation, relying solely on them is a surefire way to dilute your authority and harm your rankings. Search engines are smart—they can tell when content is written by someone who knows their stuff versus someone who's just regurgitating information they found online.

The solution? Use expert content creators

Invest in creating authentic, expert content. This could mean hiring in-house subject matter experts, partnering with industry thought leaders, or using an expert marketplace. Yes, it might cost more upfront, but the long-term benefits are worth it.

Just look at some of the biggest names in content creation. Forbes, for example, has an authority score of 100 on Semrush and consistently ranks on the first page for highly competitive keywords like "best dating apps" and "best online therapy services."

Screenshot from Semrush of Forbes' authority score

That's because they regularly publish a huge volume of high-quality content made by experts.

Screenshot of Forbes article on best online therapy services with the expert creator highlighted

Of course, you can still use AI for content management and to streamline your content creation process. But at the end of the day, there's no substitute for human expertise. So, if you want to build real topical authority, ensure your content is created by experts—whether through in-depth articles, engaging videos, or both. It's as simple as that.

4. Creating high-quality content at scale

If you're a serious brand looking to manage content at scale, you can't afford to skimp on the review process. And that means going beyond just editing for grammar and style.

Just because you have an expert creating your content doesn't mean it's immune to errors or inaccuracies. And if an editor changes the content, there's always a risk that the meaning could be altered in a way that's not factually correct.

The solution? Use professional editors and fact-checkers

The key to creating high-quality content at scale is to have a well-defined process that includes multiple rounds of review by experts in their respective fields. It's not enough to just have great writers—you need editors, fact-checkers, SEO experts, and more to ensure that your content is the best it can be.

First and foremost, you need editors who are experts in crafting compelling content and well-versed in your industry and subject matter. They should work closely with your content creators to ensure that even the most complex topics are broken down and explained in a way that's easy for your target audience to understand.

But depending on your industry and the type of content you're creating, you may also need to bring in:

  • Fact-checkers
  • SEO experts
  • Brand managers
  • Legal reviewers

» Find expert creators, editors, and fact-checkers using Entail's content marketplace.

5. Guaranteeing results

Managing content at scale is all well and good, but if your content isn't actually driving traffic, conversions, or rankings, what's the point? I've seen too many businesses churn out hundreds or even thousands of pages only to find that they're not getting the results they expected. In fact, only one-third of bloggers checked their analytics regularly.

The truth is that your work isn't done just because you hit "publish." It's just the beginning.

The solution? Track and optimize performance

If you want your content to actually move the needle, you need to track performance across all channels and optimize it over time. That means using tools like Google Search Console to monitor your organic traffic and engagement and monitoring the analytics on each social media platform.

But you need to actually use that data to inform your content optimization efforts. Look for pages with a "crawled – currently not indexed" status or that aren't driving traffic, and figure out why. Once you identify the issues, you can take steps to fix them.

The same goes for pages that are driving traffic but not conversions. If people are landing on your content but not taking the desired action (whether making a purchase or filling out a form), you need to figure out why and optimize your conversion funnel accordingly. Maybe your calls-to-action aren't clear enough, or the content itself isn't guiding people down the funnel.

How a content management system (CMS) solves everything

When you're just starting out with content creation, it might seem like a good idea to keep things simple and use tools you're already familiar with. But as you start to scale up and involve more people in the process, using Google Docs, spreadsheets, and a lot of manual work quickly becomes a recipe for chaos.

You've got multiple people creating content, editing it, reviewing it, and publishing it across various platforms. If you rely on a patchwork of different tools and manual processes to manage everything, things will fall through the cracks. Content will be lost, feedback will be overlooked, and the whole process will become a time-consuming, fragmented mess.

There's a better way.

A CMS is a centralized platform that allows you to manage your entire content creation and publication process from start to finish. With a CMS, you can streamline everything from topic selection and research to writing, editing, and publishing—all in one place.

For example, at Entail, we built a headless CMS designed for businesses looking to create content at scale. Our platform allows you to map out all your relevant topics (trending and evergreen), prioritize them based on their potential value, and assign them to the right creators. From there, you can create detailed briefs, collaborate with experts and editors, and track the progress of each piece of content.

Better content management, better ROI

Managing content at scale is no easy feat—it requires many moving parts. And if you're not careful, the whole process can quickly drain your resources and yield little to no ROI. But if you want to compete with the big players in your industry and build a strong online presence, you need to consistently create valuable, engaging content that resonates with your target audience. And with the right platform and processes in place, you'll publish high-quality, high-performing content in no time.

» Book a consultation call to find out how our CMS can help you manage your content at scale.