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The best SEO ROI tool to increase conversions

Explore the challenges of SEO ROI and learn to solve them with an all-in-one tool that turns your pages into profitable campaigns.

Tom Amitay - Organic marketing & SEO expert
By Tom Amitay
Romi Hector
Edited by Romi Hector

Updated October 4, 2024.

The best SEO ROI tool to increase conversions

The main metric that most companies use to measure their SEO performance is traffic. When measuring SEO ROI, they usually generalize all the conversions that come from organic traffic and look at them in bulk. But doing it this way is very broad and doesn't give you the information you need to optimize and increase revenue.

You have to dig deeper to get the insights you need, but this is almost impossible to do across multiple pages. To optimize your SEO operation for ROI, you would typically need a set of tools for analytics, keyword research, lead collection, widget building, etc. But now, there's a single tool that solves SEO ROI. Let's explore the challenges associated with SEO ROI and how Entail CRO is specifically designed to solve them.

Key takeaways

  • SEO ROI is often not addressed because it's very complex.
  • To solve SEO ROI, you need to master SEO ranking, optimization, and attribution.
  • Solving SEO ROI is difficult because you have to do it across hundreds of pages.
  • There's a tool that solves all these challenges and turns your pages into profitable campaigns.

3 main challenges of SEO ROI

There are three main challenges to keep in mind when it comes to solving SEO ROI.

1. SEO rankings

SEO is very complex because you're creating content to rank on Google. Google's ranking algorithms use thousands of different signals to rank your content. So, you have to think about many different aspects.

Within that, the main blocks are:

  • You need a well-structured website that describes your business.
  • You need to have good product and feature pages.
  • You need all your content pages, i.e., your blog, resources, etc.

Companies use many different tools to do keyword research, test site speed, and track keyword rankings—all in an effort to rank and get organic traffic.

» Find out if SEO ROI can always be measured.

2. Analytics and attribution

The nature of SEO ROI is that if your website ranks and gets a lot of traffic, it most likely has hundreds or even thousands of pages. However, most analytics tools are designed for PPC, where you have a small set of pages.

Most businesses use tools like Google Analytics and Mixpanel to track analytics or Google Search Console to track organic traffic. However, Google Search Console only provides general information on keyword rankings and traffic without any in-depth breakdowns or filters, so it's difficult to use as an analytics tool.

Tools like Google Analytics and Mixpanel aren't built for SEO, where traffic is spread across many different pages and more complex user journeys. This makes it very difficult to get real SEO insights.

3. Optimization

To optimize SEO, most companies embed a combination of widgets on their pages. Usually, they need developers to build these widgets, but developers are scarce, and SEO teams don't have access to a lot of tech resources. So, it takes time to create and insert these widgets. And when they're built, companies often use bottom-of-the-funnel widgets across all their content, even when the content is upper-funnel and doesn't convert. This means upper-funnel pages may have calls to action (CTAs) like "buy now" or "book a demo," even though users aren't anywhere near that stage of their journey.

Example of a bottom-of-the-funnel widget on an upper-funnel article

Some companies also use popup builders, but even these often end up being generic popups that show up on every page or set of pages. This makes it very difficult to align the CTAs with the relevant stage of the user journey.

» Discover tried-and-tested techniques to improve SEO ROI.

Solve SEO ROI with Entail CRO

SEO ROI is a difficult problem to solve because it's fragmented between so many tools. Because of that, many businesses don't even attempt it. But Entail CRO solves all of the challenges associated with SEO ROI.

If your website already ranks and gets traffic, Entail CRO helps you identify which pages to optimize, make those optimizations, and track multi-touch user journeys and conversions. Let me show you how.

Identify which pages to optimize

Entail CRO turns your website into SEO funnels. In other words, it classifies each page according to the cluster it belongs to and the funnel stage it's in.

For example, if you're selling online therapy, you can map your site into clusters or verticals, such as online therapy for depression, online therapy for anxiety, and online therapy for OCD.

Within each vertical, your content is divided into funnel stages. For instance, content like "best online therapy for anxiety" targets the bottom of the funnel, and content like "treatments for anxiety" is a bit above it. Even higher in the funnel would be content on "what is anxiety?" and "symptoms of anxiety."

Example of SEO funnel for online therapy

Entail CRO maps your content this way and identifies the conversion potential for each piece, effectively turning your website into an SEO funnel with clearly defined stages and conversion opportunities.

» Book a demo to see Entail CRO in action, or try it for free.

Optimize for conversion

Entail CRO also enables you to optimize pages for conversion by generating highly relevant CTAs. By embedding CTAs that match the context of your content in the right places, you can significantly increase click-through rates to over 45%.

Adding as many CTAs as possible that add value to the user by guiding them to the next step in their journey without overwhelming them helps improve the overall CTR of your entire page. This also helps the user continue their journey toward the bottom of the funnel.

Track multi-touch user journeys and conversions

Since your website has many pages across different verticals and funnel stages, tracking and attribution can be a huge challenge. Entail CRO solves this by providing detailed performance data at the widget level. It shows how many views and clicks each CTA widget gets, along with its contribution to conversions.

At the page level, it tracks user journeys, showing how many users went through each page, if they continued until they converted, and the total dollar value each page contributed.

Best for increasing ROI from organic traffic
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Entail CRO

Convert sales from your content pages.


From $29/month with free plan available

Entail CRO is the only tool specifically designed to track, measure, and attribute SEO ROI.

It classifies each page by cluster and funnel stage to turn your website into SEO funnels. It also enables you to generate highly relevant CTAs based on the intent and context of every section on each page to maximize conversions.

Entail CRO tracks user journeys and provides performance data at the widget level. You can see exactly how many views and clicks each CTA gets and how much it contributes to your bottom line.

Widget builder:

  • No-code widget builder
  • Build any widget you want
  • Customize look, feel, and messaging
  • Embed widgets anywhere on the page
  • Bulk updates
  • A/B test all you widgets

Tracking and attribution:

  • Solve multi-touch attribution
  • Track complex user journeys
  • See the contribution of each page and widget

Zero code

Highly scalable

All-in-one SEO ROI solution

Guaranteed ROI on the tool's cost

Users must have organic traffic and a website that converts

Maximize SEO ROI and increase conversions

Solving SEO ROI is a significant challenge, especially when you need to rely on a set of tools that solve different parts of the problem separately. Entail CRO is the only tool built specifically to optimize your SEO operation for ROI. Instead of juggling multiple tools, you can use Entail CRO to turn your pages into profitable campaigns and finally get a clear picture of your SEO ROI.

» Learn how to forecast SEO ROI.