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Convert organic traffic into sales

Conversion rate optimization software

Convert organic traffic into sales

Track, measure, test, and optimize multiple funnels across thousands of content pages at once, without affecting SEO.

Personalize messaging for visitors at every stage of the funnel

Customize your content to target visitors with diverse search intents in any context they may search.

Personalize messaging for visitors at every stage of the funnel


Provide engaging content that answers common questions and offers helpful, value-adding insights.


Equip visitors with clear, logical links and references to sources cited throughout content.


Guide visitors through the purchasing process by defining clear steps and using striking calls-to-action.


Encourage visitors to take action by providing interesting information using persuasive language.

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Achieve your conversion goals with a content marketing platform built for performance

Apply data-driven insights from a multitude of content pages and their funnels to your optimization efforts.

Track traffic & behavior across content pages

Track traffic & behavior across content pages

Stay on top of your website performance by monitoring organic search parameters related to its content pages and respective funnels.

Identify new conversion opportunities

Identify new conversion opportunities

Use advanced insights from analyses conducted concurrently across content pages and their funnels, to reach every potential visitor.

Test calls-to-actions instantly

Test calls-to-actions instantly

Customize CTAs in your content with the search intent of your visitors in mind, personalizing messaging for every stage of the conversion funnel.

Convert organic traffic from your blog

Convert organic traffic from your blog

Drive organic visitors further down your conversion funnel with internal links and rich widgets woven strategically throughout every piece of content.

Measure and attribute conversions

Measure and attribute conversions

Assess your performance against your conversion goals and determine exactly where desired actions are taken from, across all of your content pages.

Seamless A/B testing

Conduct split tests across several content pages and funnel stages simultaneously, without impacting SEO.

Content elements

Embed fully customizable widgets anywhere on your content pages, then test variations to determine which converts best.

Website pages

Run variations of entire content and landing pages to assess the satisfaction of search intent, along with conversion rate.

Content funnels

Test variations of interconnected content pages within funnels to drive visitors at every stage further towards conversion.

Seamless A/B testing
Enrich your content with customizable widgets

Enrich your content with customizable widgets

Discover our most popular widgets, customize them as you please, and embed them anywhere you want.

Optimize conversion rates effortlessly

Select content page templates
Embed custom widgets
Leverage AI to add value

Send visitors at any stage further down your conversion funnel

Captivate and educate your audience
Captivate and educate your audience

Engage and inform your potential audience with compelling content that educates and raises brand awareness.

Deepen curiosity about your offering and foster trust
Deepen curiosity about your offering and foster trust

Drive audience interest by showcasing your expertise and guiding visitors from general to more specific topics within content funnels.

Show how you resolve customers' challenges
Show how you resolve customers' challenges

Guide users towards taking the desired action with engaging content that leaves a long-lasting impression and can be applied practically.

Convert visitors into customers with ease
Convert visitors into customers with ease

Streamline the conversion process and encourage action through clear calls-to-action, persuasive landing pages, and embedded widgets.

Solutions to streamline and scale content marketing

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Solve every aspect of content strategy creation using an AI-driven topical authority model.



Get expert-created articles and video content, that speaks directly to your audience.



Conduct your entire content management process from a centralized, headless platform.

Page builder

Page builder

Publish any type of content type directly to your site on pages with perfect SEO - no dev work required.



Convert organic traffic into sales with personalized content, enriched with monetization widgets.


What is a content marketing funnel?

A content marketing funnel is a process that guides potential customers through different stages of engagement with content. It involves using various articles or content pieces strategically positioned at different stages to generate awareness, interest, and ultimately drive conversions. The funnel aims to move visitors from the initial stage of awareness to the final stage of making a purchase or taking a desired action.

Can I track the results of A/B tests on content features?

Yes, you can track A/B test results on content features with Entail. You can analyze the results of these tests in the Entail analysis dashboard, allowing you to identify the most effective content features for maximizing conversions.

Does the platform offer any reporting or analytics features?

Entail's CRO software provides reporting and analytics features that offer insights into traffic and conversion metrics. These reports allow you to track and analyze the performance of your content.

How do I determine which website pages to optimize?

To determine which website pages to optimize, we prioritize web pages based on factors such as conversion potential, proximity to the bottom of the funnel, and search volume. This way, we select pages with the highest potential, ensuring that our optimization efforts are focused on maximizing results.

We care about your privacy

We use cookies to enhance your browsing experience, serve you personalized ads or content, and analyze our website traffic. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to our use of cookies.

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